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Date: 9/13/2022 at 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm EST
This virtual course is intended for tribal leaders, tribal regulators, tribal gaming operation management and tribal legal counsel. It is designed for participants with novice, intermediate and advance levels of understanding of Indian gaming. The course is designed to increase the participant’s awareness and understanding of the permissible uses of net gaming revenue provided for in the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, NIGC regulations and approved tribal gaming ordinances. Instruction will include a review of NIGC Bulletin 2022-4, discussion and examples of the five statutory uses of net gaming revenue, how tribes can make approved per capita payments, discussion and examples of what constitutes misuse of gross and net gaming revenues. Participants will be provided a definition and examples of allowable operating expenses and examples of when payments by a gaming operation are not legitimate operating expenses. Participants will learn what steps tribes, regulators and operation management can take to help prevent intentional or inadvertent misuses of gross gaming revenues. The course will include a question and answer session.