The 2024 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) was administered this year to 124 full-time Federal employees who have been with the agency for at least one year. The results showed that 100 employees or 80.6% of eligible NIGC employees participated in the survey.
Last year the NIGC was named the best place to work for a small agency. The Commission values its employees and continuously strives to make the NIGC the best place to work in the federal government. Overall, the FEVS showed there were 89 number of items identified as Strengths (65% positive or higher) and 0 number of items identified as Challenges (35% negative or higher).
The largest strengths identified are:
- 99% of respondents stated they know how their work relates to the agency’s goals;
- 98% of respondents responded that it is important that their work contribute to the common good of the agency;
- 97% of respondents stated that supervisors hold them accountable for achieving results;
- 96% of respondents responded that employees in their work unit contribute positively to the agency’s performance; and
- 96% of respondents responded that supervisor supports their need to balance work and other life issues.
Some of the biggest gains since 2023 were the following: Differences in performance are recognized in a meaningful way. (+15%), Management involves employees in decisions that affect their work. (+13%), employees have the autonomy to decide how they do their job. (+8%), Employees consider customer needs a top priority. (+8%) and the organization meets accessibility needs. (+8).
The FEVS shows that employee’s satisfaction with their involvement in decisions that affect their work increased 29% from 2021 which was 51% and in 2024 it is 80%. Employees also believe that the results of this survey will be used to make the agency a better place to work with a 27% increase from 2021 which was 59% and in 2024 it is 86%. Additionally, how satisfied employees are with the information received from management on what's going on in the organization had a 21% increase from 2021 which was 59% and in 2024 it is 80%.
The FEVS Employee Engagement Index (EEI) measures conditions that can lead to engagement of employees such as performance and leadership. The EEI consists of three sub-indices: Leaders Lead, Supervisors, and Intrinsic Work Experience. The EEI remained the same as 2023 at 89%. Leaders Lead increased by 3%, Supervisors decreased by 3% and Intrinsic Work Experience decreased by 1%. These indices reflect employees’ perceptions on the integrity of leadership, the interpersonal relationship between worker and supervisor, and the employees’ feelings of motivation and competency.
Although the survey results did not identify any specific challenges for the agency, there are opportunities for improvement, such as:
- Continue improving that performance is recognized in a meaningful way,
- Look for ways to improve the approval process in my organization to allow for timely delivery of work, and
- Continue utilizing the results of this survey to make the agency a better place to work.
Survey Results
View the 2024 Report
View the 2023 Report
View the 2022 Report
View the 2021 Report
View the 2020 Report
View the 2019 Report
Learn more about the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey