For Immediate Release
Contact: Shawn Pensoneau
(202) 632-7003
Indian Gaming Working Group Conference Announcement
On November 8th and 9th, 2010 the National Indian Gaming Commission (NIGC) is sponsoring the Indian Gaming Working Group (IGWG) Conference for Tribal Gaming Regulatory Authorities, Tribal Government Leaders, Tribal Gaming Compliance and Tribal Operations officials. The Conference will be held at the Seattle Marriott Waterfront Hotel.
Tribes from the Northwest are invited to attend although all Tribes are welcome. Tribal officials with duties directly related to the day to day regulatory oversight and compliance of Indian gaming are encouraged to attend. There is no fee to attend the Conference but travel and lodging costs are the responsibility of the attendee or tribe. The training will be provided by federal and state agencies that have a regulatory or law enforcement role in Indian gaming. The training will cover a broad range of topics and is intended to provide tribal gaming regulatory authorities with information which will enable them to work more effectively with agencies involved in Indian gaming.
The Conference location will be the Seattle Marriott Waterfront Hotel at 2100 Alaskan Way, Seattle, WA. A block of rooms is being held under the "Indian Gaming Working Group Training" at the rate of $139.00. Please contact the hotel directly to make reservations, (206) 443-5000.
The IGWG was established in 2003 to enhance cooperation between federal agencies involved in Indian gaming and to help to protect the integrity of Indian gaming. The IGWG is comprised of the following federal agencies:
• FBI's Indian Country/Special Jurisdiction Unit
• National Indian Gaming Commission
• Department of the Interior Office of Inspector General
• Internal Revenue Service, Tribal Government Section
• Department of Treasury, Financial Crimes Analysis Center
• Department of Treasury, FinCEN
• U.S. Department of Justice
• Bureau of Indian Affairs, Law Enforcement Service
• Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement
We request that the attendees complete and email or fax the attached conference reservation/registration form to Rita Homa at (202) 632-0045. If you have any questions regarding the conference, please call the NIGC Portland Region Office at (503) 326- 5095. We look forward to seeing your representatives at the conference.
The NIGC is an independent regulatory agency established within the Department of the Interior pursuant to the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act of 1988.
Download the PDF here.