NIGC Announces Parts 543 and 547 Discussion Draft Comment Period Extension

For Immediate Release    
Contact: NIGC
(202) 632-7003

NIGC Announces Parts 543 and 547 Discussion Draft Comment Period Extension

Washington, DC April 9, 2012 — The National Indian Gaming Commission (NIGC/Commission) announced today that it has extended the comment period on Part 543 and Part 547 discussion drafts through Friday, April 27, 2012.

As part of its Regulatory Review process, which includes consultation with tribal leaders, tribal representatives and public comment, the Commission released informal discussion drafts for 25 CFR Part 543 Minimum Internal Control Standards for Class II Games and Part 547 Minimum Technical Standards for Gaming Equipment Used in the Play of Class II Games on March 16, 2012. The NIGC held two tribal consultations to discuss the drafts in Mayetta, Kansas, and San Diego, California immediately following a national tribal gaming conference. In response to tribal requests, the Commission determined that an extension of the public comment period on the informal drafts was appropriate. The Commission is seeking input from Tribes and the public on the drafts as they relate to tribal operations and other applicable regulatory entities.

After the close of the comment period on the informal drafts, the Commission will evaluate those comments as it moves forward with notices of proposed rulemaking. The Commission will seek public comment and consult with tribes further during the rulemaking process for both of these parts. Both discussion drafts and all related regulatory review information can be found on our website at under the Tribal Consultation/Regulatory Review 2011- 12/Discussion Drafts tabs. We invite submission of written comments by e-mail to, or by US Mail to the National Indian Gaming Commission, Attn: Regulatory Review, 1441 L Street, NW, Suite 9100, Washington, DC 20005.

Consistent with its commitment to transparency, the Commission will continue to consult with tribal governments throughout the regulatory review process.

The NIGC is an independent regulatory agency established within the Department of the Interior pursuant
to the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act of 1988.


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