NIGC Announces the Publication of Final Rule for Part 547

For Immediate Release                                                    
Media Contact: Mark Gaston
(202) 632-7003

NIGC Announces the Publication of Final Rule for Part 547
Minimum Technical Standards for Class II Gaming Systems and Equipment

Washington, DC, December 27, 2017 – The NIGC announces the culmination of two years of active engagement with tribes, the Indian gaming industry, and the public, on December 27, 2017, in the publication of an amendment to its regulations establishing minimum technical standards for Class II gaming systems and equipment. These amended standards continue to promote the integrity of Indian gaming while fostering the entrepreneurial spirit of tribes.

The final rule amends part 547 to remove the sunset provision requiring systems manufactured before 2008 to either be compliant with all 547 standards or be removed from the gaming floor. Instead, the amended rule requires an additional annual review of the 2008 Systems by TGRA's and requires all modifications of Class II gaming systems to be compliant with post-2008 standards as verified by uniform independent laboratory testing and approved by the applicable TGRA.

Consistent with the NIGC mission, this final rule comes after a series of substantial consultations with tribes. The feedback received during these consultations, as well as comments from the industry and the public, were essential in the commission’s decision to amend the regulation. “This final rule is good for the Indian gaming industry. It allows Tribes to continue to offer the Class II systems that their players continue to expect while at the same time ensuring the integrity of the industry. It is a result of working hand in hand with our regulatory partners to protect the industry while also protecting the entrepreneurial spirit of Indian country.” Chairman of the NIGC, Jonodev Chaudhuri said, “This is what good regulation is about – protecting the industry while not overregulating.”  

The final rule can be found in the Federal Register:

EFFECTIVE DATE: January 26, 2018, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:  Austin Badger, National Indian Gaming Commission; 1849 C Street NW., MS 1621, Washington, DC 20240. Telephone: 202–632–7003.

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The Indian Gaming Regulatory Act created the National Indian Gaming Commission to support tribal self-sufficiency and the integrity of Indian gaming.  The NIGC has developed four initiatives to support its mission including (1) To protect against anything that amounts to gamesmanship on the backs of tribes; (2) To stay ahead of the Technology Curve; (3) Rural outreach; and (4) To maintain a strong workforce within NIGC and with its tribal regulatory partners.  NIGC oversees the efficient regulation of 499 gaming establishments operated by 244 tribes across 28 states. The Commission’s dedication to compliance with the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act ensures the integrity of the growing $31.2 billion Indian gaming industry. To learn more, visit and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.